Sex Education encompasses many different topics that children and young people should be educated on to ensure that not only do they have a full understanding of what happens to their bodies during Puberty and the process of Reproduction but also around Sexual Health, Consent, Respect and their Choices around Pregnancy and Contraception to ensure that they can make Safe, Informed Decisions that affect their Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.
What's The Debate? Topics are aimed at Primary and Secondary Education in an age-appropriate manner while ensuring that the Myths and Misconceptions around Sex Education Issues are tackled with factual information to ensure children and young people are able to make safe and healthy choices. and free from abuse.
Each set comprises of
25 PVC Statement Cards with a subject and on the reverse of each card is a statement, opening up a healthy debate on the statement, its meaning and the students understanding, each set also comes with
4 Lesson Plans The 4 Lesson Plans take students through a process of self-evaluation while challenging knowledge and understanding in these areas.
Facilitators Guides.
Primary Resources

Growing Up
The Growing Up Statement Cards not only allows the topic of Puberty to be discussed but also focuses on issues relating to a Child's World while going through Adolescence, such as Consent, Privacy, Body Image, Sexuality and Gender.
The Statement Cards allow children to discuss their Values and Beliefs in a safe and engaging way while allowing for Peer Education. The 4 Lesson Plans focusing on Values, Rights and Responsibilities and Making Decisions.

The Puberty Statement Cards not only allows the topic of Puberty to be discussed but also focuses on issues relating to the myths and misconceptions around puberty while also looking at Gender Differences and how our Feelings and Emotions are affected.
The Statement Cards allow children to discuss their values and beliefs in a safe and engaging way while allowing for peer education. The Digital Download that accompanies the Statement Cards includes a Facilitators Guide, and 4 Lesson Plans focusing on changes throughout puberty

The Periods Statement Cards not only allows the topic of Periods to be discussed but also focuses on issues relating to the current myths and misconceptions relating to periods and menstruation.
The Statement Cards allow children to discuss their values and beliefs in a safe and engaging way while allowing for peer education. The Digital Download that accompanies the Statement Cards includes a Facilitators Guide, 4 Lesson Plans focusing on the Menstrual Cycle, Period Health and the effects on our Feelings and Emotions.
Secondary Resources

This set of 'What's The Debate cards' allows young people to explore the subject of Sex with the aim to show young people that there is more to sex than intercourse. This topic allows there to be discussions around Gender, Sexuality, Peer Pressure and Consent while looking at Healthy Relationships.
The 4 Lesson Plans that accompanies the Cards focuses on Gender, Sex and Sexuality, The Importance of Sex Education and Relationship Timeline.

The Sexting Topic covers a range of issues relating to sexting such a Peer Pressure, Risk, Legal Consequences and Gender Stereotypes.
The 4 Lesson Plan help educate around the Consequences, Being a Bystander and the different Pressures Young People face to Sext.

The Porn Topic covers a range of issues relating to Pornographic Materials such a Gender Stereotypes, Impact on Relationships, Consent and Sexualised Images.
The 4 Lesson Plan help educate around how pornographic material can impact Self-Esteem and Relationships. How Mass Media uses Sexualised Images in Advertisements and how The Pornographic World can warp The Real World.

The pregnancy resource pack will allow for young people to understand reproduction, pregnancy options and pregnancy and fertility health.
The Statement Cards will explore myths and misconceptions around these such as pregnancy, abortion, adoption and miscarriages. The lesson plans will cover reproduction, pregnancy options and fertility health such as PCOS and also menopause.

Sexual Health
The Sexual Health Resources tackle a wide range of issues and concerns around Sexual Health while educating young people on the different ranges of Contraception, the Correct Sequence to use a Condom and Information about Sexually Transmitted Infections. There are 5 Topics currently and they can be brought individually of all together to produce a Sexual Health Toolkit.
Sexual Health Quiz - 20 Quiz Cards and 3 lesson plans
Sexually Transmitted Infections - 25 Statement Cards tackling the Myths and Misconceptions around STIs and 4 Lesson Plans
STI Info Cards - 16 Cards tackling 8 main STIs with 2 Lesson Plans
Condom Sequence Cards- 14 Cards to help educated young people to use a condom correctly and 2 Lesson Plans
Contraception Cards - 20 Cards showing Contraception Methods and 2 Lesson Plans